Setting up the RTK-GPS base station at the Raccoon site boat ramp.
Measuring Gas (CO2, CH4 and N2O) Flux Rates in Marsh Plots
Chambers on marsh plots used to measure greenhouse gas exchange rates.
Winter Damage: Ripped Up Boardwalk and Spilled Bucket
Winter sometimes does a number on our experiments. We lost some boardwalk and some mesocosms at the Salem site during winter 2012.
Sampling a resident’s well water in the Marcellus Shale region
We visited Ray to sample his well water in Dimock, PA. Notice the brown color of the water coming from his well – it also smelled!
Marsh Organ Simulating Sea-Level Rise in the Delaware River Estuary
A marsh ‘organ’ modified from Jim Morris’ design to test the impacts of flooding and salt-water intrusion on marshes along the salinity gradient in the Delaware River. This is the […]