
Sediment Exclusion Experiment

To test feedbacks between sediment supply, plant biomass, and marsh accretion, we’ve undertaken a sediment exclusion experiment in salt marshes in the Delaware River. We installed a 3x3m sediment exclusion […]


Spring tides

The crew in Plum Island doing creek import/export measurements realized that work on the marsh is a bit different with spring tides. The marsh started to flood, and it was […]


Sampling in the dark

Mikala is investigating how water draining high and low-elevation marsh influences metabolism (production and respiration) in estuarine waters. This had us out at 2:30am to catch the maximum ebb tide […]


New Summer Crew

We started off the 2016 field season with a trip to Plum Island Sound in May.  Diana, Mikala, Brian, Olivia, Arielle, and Mary joined Drs. Sutter and Weston for a […]

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NSF Sediment Project Funded

Tidal marshes are productive ecosystems that provide key services to society such as carbon sequestration, storm surge buffering, and water-quality mitigation. The long-term stability of coastal wetlands is explained by […]

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We got the drone!

We acquired a drone to facilitate aerial photography and change over time analysis of the Plum Island Ecosystem research site. It’s also a lot of fun to fly!